Seven Attributes to Look for in a Recruiter for Your Company

In today’s world, recruiters must have a diverse set of skills to be truly successful at what they do. The job market itself faces challenges such as low unemployment rates, a skills gap that is continuing to grow, and changing expectations of different demographic groups. These factors, along with any industry-specific ones, mean that only the best recruiters will be able to secure the most-qualified employees for your company. But how do you find a stellar recruiter? For starters, they will likely need to possess these traits.
- Devotion to their role – Recruiting can be tremendously difficult. It’s no secret that it is one of the most competitive occupations an individual can pursue, but for many recruiters, this is the very appeal of the role. They love a good challenge. When this devotion to their role is also combined with a passion for the industry they work in, the recruiter is much more likely to be successful at what they do.
- Unwavering confidence – A successful recruiter has confidence not only in themselves but in selling a company or brand. This confidence inspires a willingness to persist when necessary – even in the face of repeated rejection – and a willingness to walk away when they know they can find a more suitable candidate. Confidence, combined with professionalism also allows one to keep their confidence ‘in check.’ Too much of it comes off as aggressive. Yet without enough, recruiters are often simply unable to influence others. Top recruiters know how to be confident and persuade candidates, without overdoing it.
- People skills – This trait often goes without saying in recruiting. The foundation of successfully recruiting lies in the ability to develop strong relationships with others. In this role, the recruiter must be able to look beyond the standard information that is in a resume and understand candidates’ motivations, cultural expectations, and any soft skills that may or may not make them a good fit for the company. They must also understand the strategies that are most likely to work with each candidate when trying to persuade them to accept a position.
- Resilience – Recruiting, particularly in industries with very low unemployment rates, may be filled with a ton of rejection. Candidates take counteroffers or simply disappear. References don’t check out. These things happen. Even the best recruiters experience failure sometimes, but they recognize that when these things happen, there is no use in reflecting on it – it’s best to just move on, restrategize and try again.
- Curiosity – Innovation is rapidly changing the landscape of nearly every industry, requiring that recruiters keep their own skills fresh. Their ability to be competent and knowledgeable is the foundation for the impression of the company that will be formed by all candidates. Recruiters must be tech-savvy in order to capably use all of the applications and platforms available to them, and they must also know all of the latest data about the industry. The curiosity required for a recruiter to self-educate and continue to learn will set them apart from competitors. Candidates are likely to lose interest when a recruiter doesn’t seem knowledgeable.
- Creativity – Creativity is often an overlooked trait in recruiting, but having a creative recruiter can be a game-changer. In today’s hyper-competitive job market, finding the best individuals possible often takes creativity. Any recruiter can pull data off of the traditional avenues, but only creative ones will find the candidates no else has discovered. Additionally, a creative recruiter will often be able to ‘think outside the box’ in situations where a candidate needs a little extra persuasion before committing.
- Motivation – The motivation necessary to be a good recruiter goes hand-in-hand with the competitive nature of the industry. Whether it’s financial motivation or motivation to meet targets, recruiters like achieving goals – and don’t give up until they do. A highly-motivated one won’t give up until they hit their target, even when faced with extreme pressure.
This list is comprised of traits that are often found in successful recruiters. Finding the right person to fill this role for your company may be a long and difficult journey, but consider the difference they can make for your organization. Recruiters serve as the gateway between potential employees and your company. They must be able to represent your company in a positive light – and convince top talent to join your team. Only the most skilled individuals can do this successfully, so it’s worth holding out until you find someone with the right blend of these traits.
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